This week the children have been searching for the wolf around school! We have made maps of the school building and plotted them with different labels and key locations the wolf might hide. We then went on to learn more about wolves and what they are like. The children have made fact files about the wolf and have designed an ideal home for him. In Challenge Time the children have fed this into their other subjects; they have been artists, learning how to mix the colour grey, have made clay wolves, and have used charcoal to blend different shades.
At home task: See what you can learn about wolves. Perhaps you can share this on Tapestry.
In Maths the children have been learning about time, we have looked at seconds and minutes; how long these are and what can be achieved in different times. We have also read the time on a clock to o’clock and half past.
At home task: Practise reading the time with your child – there is a task on Mathletics to help with this!