Welcome to Joydens Wood Infant School
At our wonderful school we all invest and believe in the same vision and values. We work together as a school community to ensure that our school is the best place for our children.
Our Mission Statement is:
In our school we stimulate awe and wonder through a captivating curriculum that develops effort based learning. We support and work together to make our school a purposeful place that enables every child to thrive and succeed. We celebrate differences and see the uniqueness in all.
Our Vision is:
A happy and safe place to learn and grow.
Our Values are:
- Ready: being on time to school, having excellent attendance and showing outstanding behaviour for learning
- Respectful: respecting others for who they are regardless of our differences, being kind and helpful towards others and listening to each other and adults
- Responsible: being good role models, taking ownership of our learning, looking after our school and demonstrating kindness by helping others to do the same
- Resilient: taking on challenges by putting in lots of effort, striving to improve and recognising our own and others’ achievements, no matter how big or small
We encourage our children to show our school values when they are at home and in the community. If your child displays a value at home, you may like to download a Value Leaf and add this to our Values Tree at school.
Mr Gerard Strong