The children in Year 2 have been working so hard this week. They have moved on from retelling the story of Beegu to adapting and beginning to make it their own. We have thought about how stories are structured and what makes them interesting. The children then decided on one thing that they would change about the story of Beegu and have created their own stories based on this change. We have planned, drafted, edited and published our own stories along with some children designing a new front cover, as if we really worked in a printing office. They have worked so hard and their writing has been phenomenal. Anyone would think they had been in Year 2 for months and months!
We have begun our new Science topic of materials this week; the children have learnt the definition of man-made and natural and they have sorted a variety of different materials according to their properties. They have enjoyed talking about what materials they find around the school environment. Maybe you could have a material hunt at home and see what you can find? Or try and make an umbrella out of newspaper and decide why this is not the best material to use. Can you find anything better around your home to make an umbrella? You might be surprised with what works and what doesn’t.
In Maths this week we have continued to consolidate our knowledge on addition and subtraction, using lots of different resources to support our learning. Please carry on doing this with your children at home when you have the chance. We are becoming superstars at adding and subtracting two-digit numbers and the children are improving their ability to reason about mathematical concepts.
Staying on the Maths theme, every child should have received their Mathletics login for this new academic year. The teachers will endeavour to set a new task for the children to complete based on their learning each week. This will be set each Friday, along with the usual spellings and daily reading that we really appreciate you doing. Please remember to check the website for the most up to date spellings, although the new list is also stuck in your child’s spelling book each week.