This week the children have started a new book in English called Orion and the Dark. The story follows a little boy called Orion who is scared of absolutely everything. However, he begins to face his fears and the children have been assisting him in doing so by writing him a letter to help him overcome his fears. We have shared some of the things we are scared of and discussed different ways that we could overcome them.
In Maths we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes and finding lines of symmetry in shapes. The children have created some symmetrical art work and carried out shape investigations.
This week has also been Waste Week! The children have embraced aiming to clean their plate every day, sorting out the recycling, weighing the food waste and litter picking. We have made pledges about how we can be more ‘waste aware’ and hope that this continues at home!
We are so looking forward to the belated World Book Day tomorrow and can’t wait to see the children’s costumes.