Our school is well and truly on the map as a hub of forward thinking learning!
Our school is well and truly on the map as a hub of forward thinking learning!
What a fantastic first week back we had! The children have shown such a positive attitude and have already learnt so much!
In English, we started our book, Beegu. The children have acted in character focusing on her feelings throughout the story and have used this to write a character description. We have begun our new PSHE style of teaching called Jigsaw and the children have been introduced to Jigsaw Joe – writing letters to him to help him with his worries about starting a new school year.
We have also begun to learn about this term’s artist, Piet Mondrian, and created their own fabulous artwork in his style. In Maths they have been consolidating their knowledge of number bonds and place value and are beginning to give thoughtful reasons for their answers.
Just a little reminder that our PE day is Thursday so please can you make sure all of your child’s kit is in school and labelled. This year the afternoon structure has changed slightly whereby the children will receive one longer PE lesson rather than two short ones as we have introduced cooking sessions with Mrs Quinn, which we are very excited about.
We have been extremely impressed with the mature attitude of all of the children as Year 2s!
On Wednesday 25th April, ten children from Year 2 represented our school at the Dartford School Games: Infant Agility Festival. This is a competitive event aimed at children in Key Stage 1. The children took part in a series of field events, demonstrating their balancing, throwing, bowling and jumping skills. Each school was scored on a points system and the overall highest achieving team goes on to represent Dartford at the Kent School Games final.
This week in Year One we have continued exploring the text, ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ and have considered how the story may end. They first used drama to act out their own ending to the story before mapping the ideas. The children then used their story plans to retell the original story with their own alternative ending.
This term we have been learning all of the skills required to play tennis in PE. We have learnt the ready position, how to hold our racket correctly and how to serve the ball over the net. We have really enjoyed playing lots of skills-based games to help us towards playing a proper game of tennis. We are still working on our hand-eye co-ordination (some have mastered this better than others!)
In Maths this week we have been tackling a range of different style questions, both arithmetic and reasoning. We have also had a big focus on using jottings and checking our answers in different ways.
In English we have started our new book ‘Charlotte’s Web’. The children have really engaged with the story so far and have been able to provide strong, balanced arguments for different scenarios along with showing empathy for Wilbur and Fern. Ask your children which characters we have met so far and what they think of them.
A team of ten year 2 children had a very exciting event on Wednesday morning. They represented our school at the Infant Agility Festival! This is a competitive event where the children took part in a variety of multi-skills activities and are scored. The scores were combined with the afternoon festival and we finished 6th place out of 14 schools. A huge well done to the children involved, you did our school proud!
At Joydens Wood Infant School we love to sing! Staff and children have been working hard to collect evidence of how much singing we incorporate into our school life, from curriculum songs, to routine songs and preparing songs for assemblies and productions. We are collecting this evidence as we have pledged for a Sing Up Gold Award and we are nearly there! So please keep encouraging your children to enjoy their singing and we hope to have good news on achieving our Gold award very soon!
As temperatures soar this week to kick off the Summer Term, we have an absolutely jam-packed term of competitions and challenges to encourage our children to read on a Wednesday night.
Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful Easter break, it’s lovely to be back with the sun shining and the children excited for the Summer term ahead.