
Our Curriculum has been dynamically planned; every element is carefully considered enabling a shared vision of high quality teaching and learning to permeate through the school. It is designed to ensure that the children’s learning is progressive from EYFS to Year 2, which provides them with a strong and progressive foundation to prepare them for future learning. Our philosophy is to ensure:

  • Planning is underpinned by carefully considered and progressively planned skills and knowledge.
  • Planning is broken down into Medium Term and Short-Term planning. Planning and teaching ensures the children are drawing upon their prior learning to help them move forward.
  • Progress is measured by the level of independence, resilience and confidence in the application of skills, knowledge and vocabulary, this is called ‘learning autonomy’.
  • Learning autonomy is defined by our team as ‘being able to use and apply skills and knowledge independently in a range of situations’. The autonomy enables us to strongly identify when learning has been committed to long term memory.

Our teachers plan and assess using our curriculum to ensure that children:

  • Are provided time to make links through cross curricular teaching and purposeful discrete lessons
  • Learning builds on what they have learnt before and provides them the confidence to tackle ‘new learning’
  • Are taught the right curriculum content at the right time

Our leaders ensure:

  • Subject knowledge is monitored effectively to ensure all teachers are developing their expertise
  • Pedagogical content knowledge is strong across the school to ensure that teachers know how to effectively deliver all subject areas they teach
  • CPD is strong and linked to our school needs and journey

Our parents are provided:

  • Weekly pre and post teaching tutorial videos on Class Dojo which are matched to the early reading/phonics and maths skills being taught
  • Half termly tutorial videos on the curriculum content being taught the next term
  • Homework is focused on reading fluency, comprehension and prosody and well as maths fluency and procedural efficiency. All home learning is taught through online platforms to ensure progression and engagement can be rapidly tracked

Little Wandle is currently used as both the Reading and Phonics scheme for Joydens Wood Infant School

Curriculum Overview

Supporting Curriculum Documents

Our curriculum is further enhanced by many other aspects that enable our teachers to have a strong depth of knowledge in the areas they teach. Outlined below are different supporting documents to enable a strong understanding of the Quality of Education at our school. Parents are actively encouraged to use these documents and our curriculum to support home learning.