Our Designated Safeguarding Leaders are:
- Mrs Alison Morris – (Executive Headteacher) Designated Safeguarding Leader Email: amorris75@hfs_nestschools.org
- Mr Paul Redford – (Interim Headteacher) Designated Safeguarding Leader Email: paul-redford@joydens-wood-junior.kent.sch.uk
- Mrs Emma Blake (Deputy Headteacher) – Designated Safeguarding Lead Email: deputyheadteacher@joydens.org
- Mrs Alissa Thwaites (Assistant Headteacher) – Designated Safeguarding Lead Email: a.thwaites@joydens.org
- Mrs Carly Adams (Family Engagement Leader) – Designated Safeguarding Lead Email: c.adams@joydens.org
- Miss Amy Vinton (SENCO) Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader Email: a.vinton@joydens.org
- The governor responsible for Safeguarding is Dr Anwar Tlili
It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure all children are kept safe at all times.
As part of our school’s ethos, all adults speak kindly and sensitively to children. We are here to care for and nurture them.
What to do if you have a concern?
- If you have any concern for a child’s safety or welfare, always speak out
- If a child discloses something to you, please do not promise confidentiality
- Tell the designated safeguarding leader(s) straight away
- Record your concerns in writing immediately after the incident to ensure your recount is as accurate as possible
- Always check that the concern was followed through to conclusion
- If you aren’t happy with the outcome to your concern raised, continue to refer on to someone else or challenge the outcome until the concern is fully resolved
Keeping Children Safe
Working with our families to ensure our children are safe, happy and healthy is essential. Responding to our parents’/carers’ and our children’s needs, we tailor specifically designed workshops based on ‘Tricky Topics’ such as ‘Staying Safe Online’, ‘Making Safe Choices, ‘Safe Relationships’. These workshops are aimed at our parents/carers to ensure they feel confidently equipped to tackle difficult conversations with their children in an age appropriate way.
In addition to the workshops we add beneficial tips, links and documents to this area so that parents are constantly kept informed of our latest practice towards keeping children safe.
Online Safety
‘Think then click’ – these rules help us to stay safe on the internet:
- We only use the internet when an adult is with us
- We can click on the buttons or links when we know what they do
- We can search the internet with an adult
- We always ask if we get lost on the internet
- We can send and open emails together
- We can write polite and friendly emails to people that we know