Monthly Archives

April 2018

Letters from the Crayons!

By Year 1 No Comments

This week the children have been learning about the features of letter writing such as where to put the address and who the letter is to. The children have written persuasive letters pretending to be a crayon who has quit and what Duncan needs to do to make things better. The children wrote letters in role as Duncan begging his crayons to return to him! We then edited our letters before publishing them in our best writing, to help us edit we made a checklist about what the best editing would be. Our list included things such as:

  • Checking our spellings are correct
  • Using the correct punctuation
  • Checking our sentences make sense
  • adding in appropriate describing words

At Home Task: Can you write a letter to someone?

In Maths the children have consolidated their learning from the previous term and have moved onto learning about numbers beyond 50. We have begun to look at counting first tens and then ones. We are learning to use different resources, including a number line, to help us count.

At Home Task: Can you divide a number into tens and ones at home?

In our Topic we have looked at Christian beliefs about God and written sentences about what God is to Christians. For History we have sorted objects into the past and present and for DT we have looked at wheels and axels. In PSHE we have made books about our development in our six years and what important milestones we have reached.

Chirping Birds in Reception!

By Reception No Comments

It has been another exciting week in school with lots of amazing discoveries from our young learners! We have continued to follow their interests on birds and have enjoyed making nests and fact books.

The children have deepened their understanding of birds; by exploring their different features such as; their beaks and the different eggs laid by different birds. We have also used water paint to explore colour mixing and painting birds. It has been a pleasure to watch children working as a team, making nests out of sticks and leaves.

Our enthusiastic novices have been extremely busy, as well as learning about birds, they have also enjoyed making observational drawings of plants and embarking on mini-beasts hunts in our garden. They have certainly allowed their imaginations to go wild and this has been a joy to watch!

We want to thank you all for our weekly Friday Fund donation. This generous contribution is used to purchase resources to enhance learning and teaching! Lastly, we are also grateful to our parents who gave up their time to help make class teas a success last week! We appreciate all your support! Thank you!

Yet Another Busy Week in Year 2!

By Year 2 No Comments

In Maths this week we have been tackling a range of different style questions, both arithmetic and reasoning. We have also had a big focus on using jottings and checking our answers in different ways.

In English we have started our new book ‘Charlotte’s Web’. The children have really engaged with the story so far and have been able to provide strong, balanced arguments for different scenarios along with showing empathy for Wilbur and Fern. Ask your children which characters we have met so far and what they think of them.

A team of ten year 2 children had a very exciting event on Wednesday morning. They represented our school at the Infant Agility Festival! This is a competitive event where the children took part in a variety of multi-skills activities and are scored. The scores were combined with the afternoon festival and we finished 6th place out of 14 schools. A huge well done to the children involved, you did our school proud!

News About the Sing-Up Award!

By Reception, Year 1, Year 2 No Comments

At Joydens Wood Infant School we love to sing! Staff and children have been working hard to collect evidence of how much singing we incorporate into our school life, from curriculum songs, to routine songs and preparing songs for assemblies and productions. We are collecting this evidence as we have pledged for a Sing Up Gold Award and we are nearly there! So please keep encouraging your children to enjoy their singing and we hope to have good news on achieving our Gold award very soon!

The Crayons are Quitting in Year 1!

By Year 1 No Comments

This week Year One have thoroughly enjoyed the Art and Music week. They have been expressing their feelings to different pieces of music through different art media and had a visit from an artist who taught them different skills in layering media in order to create different effects. We are looking forward to displaying our work in an exhibition for parents to see on Friday afternoon.

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Birds, Birds Everywhere!

By Reception No Comments

This has been a wonderful first week back after Easter. We have heard all about the exciting activities that you and your children have been up to. The weather has certainly been a rather spectacular surprise and we have also had a visit from a very special tortoise that enjoyed spending the day with the Reception classes!

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