Welcome back, we hope you had a fantastic summer break! We have lots to look forward to this year including our trip to Leeds Castle, strawberry picking at Stanhill Farm and the end of year beach trip!
This term we are exploring space, which links to our class text – Beegu. The children will delve into space by making new discoveries and sharing their experiences with their peers. We will explore the story through a variety of teaching approaches including story mapping, role-play, drama and hot-seating.
Maths takes an exciting turn this term with the introduction of Mathematics Mastery. Instead of learning mathematical procedures by rote, we want children to build a deep conceptual understanding of concepts which will enable them to apply their learning in different situations.
PE this term will take place on Mondays and Tuesdays and the focus is gym and dance. Please can children with pierced ears and long hair ensure that they do not wear earrings on these days and their long hair is tied up!
Guided reading and spellings begin next week – please ensure your child reads every day.
We are thrilled to be teaching your wonderful children, their final year of the infants is set to be an AMAZING one!