Year 2 Are Ready For The Next Term!

By 2nd November 2017Year 2
The children have been discovering the icy landscape of the Antarctic. They have seen the vast snowy mountains from their helicopters (with a little help from David Attenborough) and created their own snowy scene using watercolours/chalk. This will inspire us to write a descriptive piece of writing about our newly discovered part of the world.
The children have been developing their use of the bar model in Maths this week in order to solve some tricky two step word problems. Along with this they have been using mental strategies to solve addition problems and checking their answers using resources.
Additionally the children have been learning about Guy Fawkes and the reason behind bonfire night. They have designed their own posters about how to keep safe during this exciting time of year. If you are off to any firework displays this weekend, have an amazing time!
At home task: Can you create a piece of art work or maybe a poem about firework night?
Miss Hately

Author Miss Hately

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