As we will be celebrating Chinese New Year next week, please remember we have a Chinese themed lunch on Wednesday 7th February. The children will be able to enjoy: chicken breast battered balls, or battered Quorn balls, sweet & sour sauce, noodles and Chinese stir fried carrots. This will be followed by ice cream and toffee sauce.

On Wednesday Year 2 were lucky enough to take part in our first in house benchball tournament. All of the Year 2 classes were pitched against each other in a very competitive and exciting tournament. Read more to find out who won!

Ahoy me hearties! Reception have been playing lots of pirate games this week! We have made boats to sail in the water tray, created maps using tea stained paper, built ships using the wooden blocks, and even had a pirate visit our school!
Year One have been learning about the different works of Vincent Van Gogh and the children have been painting using his style.
This week as a whole school we recorded a total of 1688 minutes read at home on Wednesday 24 January. This was through reading school reading books, children’s own books, books from the library, listening to talking books and from sharing books with family members. Let’s see if we can beat that total for this week!

The children have had lots of fun this week creating mosaics, building beautiful constructions using our wooden blocks, and learning how to add and subtract different amounts of objects.

Following on from last week where the children learned lots of facts about wolves, they carried on with the ‘Wolf’ theme and used the knowledge gained to create ‘Who Am I?’ riddles.
Year 2 have been very busy this week. They have become architects and investigators. Sadly the roof to the Kings castle was beginning to crumble so the children had to predict and test which material would be most suitable to replace it. It turns out tin foil and cling film were not a sensible solution!
We are excited to launch our new Reading Engagement Scheme, ‘Buster’s Book Club’ in conjunction with the KM Charity. We have secured sponsorship from the Rotary Club in order to be able to share this fantastic initiative with you. All you need to do is total how many minutes your child reads for each Wednesday and record on the bookmark provided. Your child could win a range of exciting prizes including tickets to Pirate Adventure Golf at Bluewater, tickets to Leeds Castle or a visit from Mister Maker just for reading at home!

On Friday 19 January we held an afternoon tea for all of our wonderful grandparents and other family members. Whilst the visitors enjoyed a drink and a piece of cake, each class went onto the stage and sang a song to entertain. This was a very popular event and the children thoroughly enjoyed it!