In Reception this week we have been having lots of fun on our new ‘rustic’ bike track. The children have enjoyed having races and using the chalk to record their scores.

What an exciting week it has been for our little explorers! We have been thoroughly embracing Science Week through a range of exploring, investigating and recording.
Year One have had a fantastic week learning all about Science. We started off with a Forensic Science interactive workshop where the children had to search for clues to solve the crime. Great fun was had looking for DNA and investigating the crime scene!
This week the children have become scientists. They have had the most fantastic time investigating and thinking scientifically. They have carried out an experiment on separating liquids, making predictions about whether the liquids would change colour, whether they would bubble or whether they would combine together… ask your children the outcome of that investigation…
We were very excited to celebrate a belated World Book Day on Thursday 8 March. The children dressed up as their favourite book characters and took part in a range of activities including sharing books with their buddies, making bookmarks with reading prompts, designing their own book covers and creating decorated book doors.
This week the children have continued reading and learning about dinosaurs and we have discovered some eggs in our outdoor area!
Welcome back Reception! It has been a fantastic week back after a few exciting days off in the snow! It has been lovely hearing your stories about the fun things you have been up to!
We hope you all had a wonderful time during the snow days and managed to make lots of fun memories playing in the snow!
Dear Parents / Carers,
We are taking part in eDF Energy’s Waste Week 2018, 5th-9th March. The theme this year is food waste and food packaging.
Many activities are planned over the course of the week and we need your help – please start sending in any clean, safe, empty food and drink packaging to your class. We will be sorting these into plastic, metal, card/paper and glass on Monday 5th March.

Can you guess what we’ve been reading in Reception this week?!
We have been listening to lots of different stories relating to Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have enjoyed painting pictures of the giant, upcycling boxes to make collaborative castles, and creating beautiful bean collages!