Well done Maple Class on your assembly this week! We are very proud of all the children for learning their lines and songs and performing to the rest of the school and the family members who came to watch.
The children are really enjoying learning about Antarctica and the Emperor penguins; we’ve been amazed with how much information they have retained and how interested they are in the subject. They have created some fabulous Antarctica-inspired giant artwork using different materials and textures.
*Home task* what 3 fantastic facts can you find out about Emperor penguins to share with the class?
We have composed our own free-verse poems about penguins; the children have been exploring different language structure and using thesauruses to make their vocabulary choices more interesting.
In Maths the children took part in an investigation to create the tallest tower using only 2 sheets of newspaper and 3 pieces of tape! *Can you try this at home and beat your child’s height?*
This week we have been looking at interpreting data from pictograms and block diagrams. The children have collected their own class information and presented their results in a table and answered questions to demonstrate their understanding of the data they had collected.
*Please remember to log into Mathletics; we have some very competitive members of Year 2 who are keen to go up against their peers but are struggling to find competitors!! We will be logging in and seeing which members of Year 2 have taken up the challenge.*