At Joydens Wood Infant School we value and respect our children as individuals, whatever their needs.

We are an inclusive school and take pride in our pupils’ engagement in learning across the curriculum.  Progress is carefully monitored and parents/carers are valued as part of the team when it comes to meeting their child’s particular needs and overcoming any barriers to learning.

We are proud of creating an effective and supportive learning environment, that supports all areas of learning and needs through an active and hands-on approach and we aim to achieve inclusion by:

  • Providing Quality First Teaching for all
  • Ensuring all children feel valued, happy and part of their class, their year group and the school
  • Working as a team to identify and overcome potential barriers
  • Setting challenging and aspirational targets for all children

Many children require additional support at some stage in their educational journey, this may be in the classroom with the teacher or teaching assistant or it may be through more targeted or personalised intervention. If further support is needed then a range of outside agencies may be involved.  These might include the School Nurse, Speech and Language Therapist, Specialist Teachers or an Educational Psychologist.

Children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND), that make it difficult for them to access the curriculum alongside their peers, may need extra support because of a range of needs. There are four categories of need defined by the SEND Code of Practice 2015:

  • Cognition and Learning 
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Physical and/or Sensory

Joydens Wood Infant School’s Five Step Plan for SEN Concerns

At Joydens Wood Infant School we are proud of creating an effective and supportive learning environment, that supports all areas of learning and needs through an active and hands-on approach. We believe that early intervention and working with parents are key to supporting children. If any concerns arise we follow a five step process to implement additional support where appropriate. Please click the button below for more information: