The children really enjoyed sharing the text, ‘Pumpkin Soup’, by Helen Cooper and have been exploring pumpkins this week.
We are really pleased to see the children back at school refreshed and eager to learn during this new term.

It has been another fantastic week of fun with the children learning about Diwali, hunting for dinosaur eggs and measuring the heights of different towers.
The children have continued to settle well and are now becoming more confident and independent with moving between our different rooms and garden.

We are really pleased with how well the Reception children have settled into school life and they are enjoying staying all day now. They are already demonstrating high levels of independence and engagement during self-chosen activities and are keen to learn in the different rooms and in the garden.
Our Reception children have settled into their full days at school with smiley faces and motivated attitudes to learning. Lunch times are running smoothly for our children and we’re seeing an increasing number of empty plates! Now that our children are full time we would like to share our approach with you in more detail.