Parent engagement is an important factor in the success of student learning, attendance, behaviour and well-being. For these reasons family engagement is an important factor for our school which is one of the reasons my role was created within our school.
I can offer informal, confidential advice/support and resources to tackle parenting issues and challenging family situations.  This year I will be holding parent forums to discuss what is working well in our school and things we may like to consider implementing.  I will also be running a series of workshops based around tricky topics that us parents need to speak to our children about to keep them safe but we may find difficult.  I will be in the playground every morning and at the weekly class teas on a Friday afternoon, please don’t be shy, come and say hello. You can also contact me by e mail, through the school office or on my mobile.
We have lots of exciting events this year for both our children and our families and I look forward to meeting you soon.
mobile – 07803 414705
Miss Hately

Author Miss Hately

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