Stay connected with your child’s learning through
Class Dojo

Covid 19 Remote Education Strategy

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Stay connect with your child’s learning  through
Class Dojo

Remote Education

Our remote education aim is to deliver a high-quality curriculum so that pupils know more and remember more. Curricular goals are made as explicit remotely as they would be in the classroom.

At Joydens Wood Infant School the remote education curriculum is aligned to the classroom curriculum as much as possible. It is carefully sequenced to ensure pupils obtain the building blocks they need to move on to the next step. Our approach is based around simplicity and effectiveness for children, parents and teachers. Feedback is sought from parents frequently to determine how the remote education offer is working.

What is remote education?

  • Remote education: a broad term encompassing any learning that happens outside of the classroom, with the teacher not present in the same location as the pupils.
  • Digital remote education: often known as online learning, this is remote learning delivered through digital technologies.
  • Blended learning: a mix of face-to-face and remote methods. An example would be the ‘flipped classroom’, where main input happens remotely (for example through video), while practice and tutoring happen in class.
  • Synchronous education: this is live; asynchronous education is when the material is prepared by the teacher and accessed by the pupil at a later date.

Keep it simple

Our successful remote education curriculum is built on the key elements of effective teaching. It’s also vital to have clear and high expectations and to communicate these to pupils. We can’t expect them to be able to discover new content for themselves through tasks, projects and internet searching.

Online Platforms

Class dojo is used as an effective communication tool to share learning and learning outcomes with parents/teachers. The transition between home and school is strengthened by the in depth personal portfolios that every child has. Parents are able to direct message the teachers to seek support/advice and upload their own evidence of learning directly to their child’s portfolio.

Live Sessions

Live sessions will be delivered where possible as part of the remote learning offer. These sessions are succinctly planned against the school’s curriculum map.

Please find some useful free websites:

Get Active!!! Please see your Class Dojo Pages for full login details to access all 5-a-day routines. Our children do these daily in school, they LOVE them. https://5-a-day.tv/





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