Going Wild in Year 1!

By 29th March 2018Year 1

Next term the children will be looking at a range of high quality picture books and using their ideas to develop their stamina for sustained writing in preparation for their transition into Year Two. We will be focusing on a range of skills including adding punctuation and using adventurous vocabulary. The children will first draft their work then write, edit and publish. The first week back will also see the children consolidate all of their combined art and design and design and technology skills as they listen to a piece of music to design and create art for an exhibition on Friday.

At Home Task: We have sent home the children’s bean and bean diary for you to plant and record at home! This is an exciting opportunity for the children to record and measure growth as well as describing week by week changes.

In Maths the children have been learning about different kinds of measurement in standard (using a metre stick) and non-standard units (hands, feet, cubes, lolly sticks and paperclips.) The children have had to think practically as to which is the most suitable way to measure certain objects. Within the next term the children will learn about numbers between 50 and 100, the number strategies associated with these before finally learning about money. We would like to encourage you all to continue to use athletics as a tool alongside this; we continue to set tasks weekly based around our learning in class. If you have lost your login please speak to Reception.

At Home Task: Can your child measure using a range of apparatus, what is the most appropriate measure for the task?

As the children continue to prepare for their phonics screening check here are some helpful sites or you can speak to your class teacher for some additional resources. Spellings will be checked on the first Friday back from a random ten words within your child’s phonics group.




Alison Patel

Author Alison Patel

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