
In our school, we ensure every child has the right to thrive and succeed, we celebrate differences and see the uniqueness in all.

Celebrating our children’s achievements through our School Values ensure that our ethos is brought alive everyday. Children can earn Dojos and Tokens when they demonstrate our  school values of being:

  • Ready: being on time to school, having excellent attendance and showing outstanding behaviour for learning
  • Respectful: respecting others for who they are regardless of our differences, being kind and helpful towards others and listening to each other and adults
  • Responsible: being a good role model, taking ownership of our learning, looking after our school and demonstrating kindness by helping others to do the same
  • Resilient: taking on challenges by putting in lots of effort, striving to improve and recognising our own and others’ achievements, no matter how big or small

Class Dojo Points

Children are awarded Class Dojo points for demonstrating our school values, having a positive attitude towards their learning, being outstanding role models to their peers and ambassadors for the school.

Green Tokens

Children can earn a green token by going above and beyond demonstrating any of our school values. The green token gets placed in a pouch under each values leaf and, once that pouch is full, the children can reveal a window on their 3-of-a-kind board. Behind each window is a special reward of the class’ choice, for example, own clothes day or extra play time! Once a class has revealed 3 of the same reward their class teacher will organise for them to receive their special treat as soon as possible!

The Golden Star!

Children can be nominated by a grown up to have their name moved onto the Golden Star on their behaviour display in their classroom. This means they are in for a chance of winning the Headteacher’s Award that week! Children will then receive their award in the Celebration Assembly on Friday of that week.