New Parents

We are very excited to welcome new children and families to our school community. Choosing your child’s school is a daunting task, our aim is to provide you with all the support you need to ensure your child’s schooling experience is as positive as possible. Whether your child is starting school for the first time or you are moving your child mid-year, our approach to transition is always centred around your child and their needs.

Our team prides itself on the pastoral support on offer to all children. We all invest a significant amount of time in every child to ensure we get to know their personality as quickly as possible. For those children that need additional support our amazing Pastoral Team are always on hand to support parents in making a bespoke and detailed plan for your child:

  • Mrs Morris is our Executive Headteacher and Mr Strong is our Headteacher. If you have any bespoke questions about our school please do not hesitate to contact
  • Mrs Blake is our Deputy Headteacher
  • Mrs Adams is our Family Engagement Leader, who works across the school supporting children with their emotional development and social needs. She is our champion for Mental Health and strives to ensure every child feels that that their voice is heard. If you feel your child needs more bespoke pastoral support, please contact
  • Miss Vinton is our SENCO and leads our school’s provision for our most vulnerable children. If your child has additional needs, please contact

School opening hours:  8.40am to 3.15pm 

(Gates open at 8.30am and 3.05pm each day)

Office hours:  8.30am to 4.30pm (Friday 8.30am to 3.30pm)

For queries contact Katie Tinnams (

New EYFS Children

If you haven’t already applied for a place, it’s not too late!

Contact the School Office of visit the Kent County Council website to apply

In the meantime, you can access our virtual offer, should you wish to do so:

Our Teachers are very excited to meet all the new children and work extremely hard to support you all through this transition period. The information below is predominantly created for your child. We strongly encourage you to read these important materials to your child as regularly and repetitively as possible. The style of the visual resources used, reflect the same model we use in school. This holistic approach to transition will underpin a more successful experience when your child joins us.

In Year Admissions

All parents that are wishing to transfer to our school mid-year, must complete an in-year admissions form from KCC and our electronic pupil details form which can be obtained from our school office.

Please e-mail to be sent a link to the form via Parentmail

Children’s Transition Library

Important Documents